Primary 1 & 2
Pre-K 3
Pre-K 4
Friday Enrichment
Extended Day
Yearly Tuition
$900 (1 day/wk)
$1550 (2 days/wk
$2100 (3 days/wk)
$25 (per day, occasional basis)
Reg Fee
Eligibility For Enrollment
The Good Shepherd Nursery School welcomes children from ages 2.9 to Kindergarten age, without regard to race, religion, cultural heritage, political belief, disability, national origin, sexual orientation or marital status. Children with January birthdates may be admitted at the discretion of the Director.
All applications for children with disabilities will be accepted. In determining whether to accept a child with disabilities into the program the administrator, with written parental consent, will request pertinent information from the education agencies and health and service providers that have been caring for the child. Based upon available information, including the parents’ input, identification will be made of specific accommodations, if any, required to meet the needs of the child in our program. (Refer to 102 CMR 7.10(2)(a) of the Standards for Licensure and Approval of Group Day Care Centers.)
If, in the administrator’s judgment the accommodations required to serve the child would cause an undue burden to the school (considering the factors listed in 102 CMR 7.10(2)(c), the administrator will provide to the parents in writing the reasons for the decision (within 30 days). The parents will also be informed of their right to contact DEEC and request that DEEC determine if the school has complied with the regulations regarding admission of children with disabilities.
Application Papers
The registration form and the non-refundable registration fee will reserve a space for your child. To secure the space, the first tuition payment, which is equal to one tenth of the total tuition must be paid by the due date. A pre-admission interview with a parent or guardian and the child is required by the Department of Early Education and Care. An appointment may be made with the Director for a visit to the school and to obtain registration papers.
Health Forms
Health forms must be filled out, signed, and dated by the child’s physician and returned to the school within 30 days of admission. Immunization forms must be on file at the school prior to admission. the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (DEEC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health require that nursery schools and day care programs have on file a copy of a current (no more than one year old) physical exam and a current immunization record. The Good Shepherd Nursery School, therefore, is required by law to have these records or be unable to allow attendance at school until they are obtained.
Payment Policies
How: Payment may be paid in 10 equal payments. An envelope and statement will be sent home mid-month from September to May. The envelope containing the tuition should be sent back to school in the child’s school bag. Please make checks payable to the Good Shepherd Nursery School or GSNS and write separate checks for other payments.
When: The registration fee (non-refundable) is due at the time of registration. The first tuition payment (refundable until the end of July) is due by the end of June.
The remaining payments will be due at the end of each month from September to May.
Why: The Good Shepherd Nursery School is a non-profit organization. The budget is planned in advance and is intended to cover expenses only (salaries, equipment, supplies etc.). Spaces can not be reserved for children who are withdrawn from the program for extended periods of time unless tuition payment are kept current. Parents are responsible for the full amount of tuition even if the child is absent due to illness or for vacations. Reimbursement for withdrawal will be determined on an individual basis.
Late Payments: Parents are urged to speak to the Director if they are having difficulty meeting tuition payments because of financial problems. Such discussions will be kept strictly confidential. Tuition payments made more than 10 days after the due date will incur a $20 late fee unless prior arrangements have been made with the Director.
Additional Fees: Currently there are no additional fees such as supply charges, insurance fees, etc. However, parents may be asked to contribute a fee for transportation and admission for field trips.